Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dearth of a leader

I had recently been at Brahminwadi - like many others I call it my own. Its been long ever since I have left her and must admit, it was more of a self-centric attention that made me neglect her for over a decade. Like me there are many more. Am certain. Many who drop by her as a make-shift arrangement for their onward journey, many who visit on-off to claim their right over some ancestral property.. many who inherit the place but are 'so' well placed in their personal peripherals that they have no time to look at the neighbourhood and the situation she is in. I happened to speak to some of the Gen-U (if I may have to call the oldy-goldy) on the detiriorating state of affairs, the age-old conflicts amongst the wisest men, the strengthening friendship of the Gen-X etc etc. One thing has been very one wants any change.. its a reflection of mini-India which is run by few wealthy..few old masters running the show for cheap results.. It is time we build  a strong leadership in the locality..its time we prove that we would not mind living in a locality which is 'liveable' in good sense..its time for a matured leadership which would bring about constructive change in the minds of the people.. may be forcefully where it is required ... I urge the youth to look beyond evening gossips and see for themselves and the next generation to follow that would remember a few good men who made the difference.. Its time we think "LEADERSHIP"